I was quite disappointed with this and decided to ask some students about Book Week. What I found out confirms what the Teacher Librarian said; students were not interested in Book Week and many did not know that it was happening during that week. This made me rethink how could I as a Teacher Librarian promote Book Week in a high school setting. Firstly, it has got to be publicised earlier in the term, so students will know when it is happening. Secondly, students love prizes, so one way to get students involved is to maybe to have a quiz on all of the books for the more enthusiastic students or to hold a reading of all of the books over the week, where students can come and listen to part of or a chapter of all of the books to introduce students to the books. Another prize, especially for the more artistic students, is to hold a cover design competition. Lastly, to get the teachers on side and to promote the week across the school. It would probably be best to start with the English teachers and work on it over a few years to develop a program for that week.
Book Week is probably one of the longest running Australian based literacy appreciation week and if the promotion of Book Week is not promoted more fully in high schools, I believe that the childhood joys of Book Week will be lost.